The Old Station, Worcester Road, Cosford, Albrighton, WV7 3EY

Property Overview
Purchase Price: | £150,000 |
Rent: | £12,000 |
Type: | Offices |
Tenure: | For Sale & To Let |
Description: |
Detailed Information
The property is located on the edge of RAF Cosford, adjacent to the mainline linking Shrewsbury and Birmingham. The premises are a short distance from the A41 linking Newport and Wolverhampton and Junction 3 of the M54 is approximately 1 mile to the north providing excellent access to the greater Midlands motorway network.
The single storey, former station and ticketing office is of brick construction surmounted by a pitched slate roof. Internally the property comprises 3 main rooms, kitchen and W.C. facilities with good sized store having the benefit of having external access. Outside there is parking for approximately 3 vehicles.
Office 1 39.24sq.m 422sq.ft
Office 2 10.56sq.m 113sq.ft
Office 3 26.01sq.m 280sq.ft
Kitchen 11.11sq.m 119sq.ft
Store 10.08sq.m 108sq.ft
Total 97.00sq.m 1,042sq.ft
All areas are approximate
£12,000 per annum exclusive based on a new lease for a term to be agreed on a full repairing and insuring basis.
Offers in the region of £150,000
EPC = E (119)
Valid to 21-09-2031
Rateable Value
RV £8,500
The premises are not elected for VAT and therefore will not be chargeable.
By appointment with the agents Michael Tromans & Co
01902 425 646
Subject to Contract
JS/SC 03-25